Commands to prevent messages that violate our rules in text channels.
!Clean <Num:Whole number>!Clean <Num:Whole number> <User:Mention/ID>!Clean <User:Mention/ID> <Num:Whole number>[-r Regex:Text][-ma Max age:Duration][-minage Min age:Duration][-i Regex case insensitive:Switch][-nopin Ignore pinned messages:Switch][-to Stop at this msg ID:Whole number]
?purge user - Delete messages for a user in the channel.?purge match - Delete messages containing text. (Limit 100)?purge not - Delete messages not containing text. (Limit 100)?purge startswith - Delete messages that start with text. (Limit 100)?purge endswith - Delete messages that ends with text. (Limit 100)?purge links - Delete a number links posted in the channel. (Limit 100)?purge invites - Delete server invites posted in the channel. (Limit 100)?purge images - Delete a number of images in the channel. (Limit 100)?purge mentions - Delete messages with mentions in the channel. (Limit 100)?purge embeds - Delete messages containing rich embeds in the channel.?purge humans - Delete messages sent by humans (ignores bots).?purge bots - Delete messages sent by bots.?purge text - Delete messages containing text, ignoring images/embeds.?purge [count]?purge [count] [user]?purge match [text] (count)?purge not [text] (count)?purge startswith [text] (count)?purge endswith [text] (count)?purge links?purge invites (count)?purge images (count)?purge mentions (count)?purge embeds (count)?purge bots (count)?purge humans (count)?purge text (count)