Last updated
Last updated
Searches for all users who have the specified roles (@everyone by default) who have not logged into discord over the specified duration (30 days default). The bot will then show how many inactive users were found if any.
The bot will attempt to edit the nicknames of all users with special characters in their names.
This command will set a role of your choice as the "Muted" role.
Count the audit log entries of a user.
Hide a channel from a user.
Reallow users see a channel.
Kick users from a voice channel.
Moves members into a new voice channel.
Kicks all members from the channel
Show roles that have no users.
Counts the users with a role.
Show the people who have a role.
Show all the badges a user has
Get usage stats on an emoji.
Get detailed emoji usage stats.
Embed of all users ordered by their join date earliest to latest.
Shows the user that joined at the passed position.
Shows when a user joined compared to other users.
Embed of all users ordered by their join date latest to earliest.
Show all the server moderators and their respective statuses.
Sends all server emojis to the channel.
Find any user using a search. / Users matching your search.
Shows the raw content of a message.
Shows all the users who reacted to the given message in an rst tabular format.
Shows all the users in a voice channel in tabular format.