It provides information about the roles you can earn by inviting people to the server.
Last updated
It provides information about the roles you can earn by inviting people to the server.
Last updated
STAR LEVELS HAVE BEEN REMOVED! This system has been deemed to violate Discord's terms of service as an unnatural server growth method, and therefore has been removed from our server! We apologize for any inconvenience.
The star (invitation) ranking system will gradually be removed from the server in two updates. - Firstly, the earning of star roles will be prevented. (✔️)️ - Secondly, within a month, roles will be removed from all members, and the privileges of these roles will be added to other-level roles.
Given to members who invite 15 people.
Can create their own special bracket.
Given to members who invite 12 people.
Can post pictures and files on the #💬│yazışan_patatesler channel.
Given to members who invite 9 people.
Can change other people's names.
Given to members who invite 6 people.
Can choose a Premium color role.
Given to members who invite 3 people.
Can choose a color role.